1000 Persuasive essay topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Macbeth Vs Hamlet :: essays research papers
Proposition: Shakespeare utilized a similar meaning of disaster when he composed Macbeth, and when he composed Hamlet; Shakespearean catastrophes utilize heavenly episodes to interest the peruser's advantage, and his plays comprise of a legend that has a disastrous imperfection (now and again the need for the powerful) which makes him make a deadly mistake.I. Presentation II. Spirits III. Correlation IV. End Shakespeare consistently utilized similar components of disaster when he composed his catastrophes. These disasters can be thought about effectively, particularly Macbet and Hamlet. Shakespearean disasters utilize extraordinary episodes to interest the peruser's advantage, and they comprise of a legend that has a terrible blemish (here and there the longing for the otherworldly) which makes him commit a lethal error. Shakespeare followed this example in the entirety of his disasters; accordingly the likenesses among Macbeth and Hamlet can without much of a stretch be characterize d and discussed.Shakespeare promptly began Macbeth with a heavenly scene. The three witches set the grave and malevolence tone of the plot. In Hamlet, Shakespeare additionally introduced a heavenly event near the opening. The phantom of Hamlet's dad introduced itself to Hamlet with a chilling story. In the two circumstances, the lamentable saint was uncertain about whether the spirits were acceptable or malicious. The introduction of the extraordinary started to prompt the last destruction of every one of the characters. In Macbeth, the three witches made him think and carry out malice things. In the event that he had never met the witches, he would not have been enticed to kill the lord; along these lines, he would not have set himself in the position that he believed he expected to execute each and every individual who crossed his way. In the event that he wasn't so misleading, Macduff would not have called for war, and he would not have killed him. In Hamlet, in the event that he had not seen the apparition of his dad, he would not have realized that the supreme lord had submitted murder to pick up the seat.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Sun Rising by John Donne :: Poetry
The Sun Rising by John Donne The Sun Rising by John Donne utilizes allegorical, expository and metaphor methods to show the removal of the outside world for two sweethearts' internal world and how the sun satisfies its obligations by spinning around their room. Donne utilizes metaphorical language all through the sonnet. The principal refrain thinks about the sun to a Bustling old imbecile (1) and Through windows, and through blinds approach us? (3) is metaphorical language for eyes. A wink permits the sun to come into the darlings' internal world. The peruser realizes the sweethearts' room isn't the focal point of the world and the sun doesn't contract[ed] around their bed. Donne's relocation of the outside world, for the darlings' inside world, utilizes an explanatory procedure to endeavor to demonstrate by reason the strength and intensity of a couples love. At the point when Donne inquires as to why the sun approaches us? (3), Why shouldst thou think? (12) and Must to [the sun's] movements sweethearts' seasons run? Donne anticipates that you should definitely know the appropriate responses. He utilizes this language to assist you with going past the restrictions of the material world by ignoring outer impacts and forcing the sun to turn around the darlings. Allegorical language and explanatory strategy are joined with overstatement to change the outside world to rotate around the sweethearts' inward world. Dunne drives the sun away telling it to go reprimand (5) and in refrain twenty-nine Sparkle here to us, and thou are all over the place (29). These are embellishments for accentuation putting the sweethearts at the focal point of the world. Allegorical,
Friday, August 7, 2020
Schizophrenia Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Coping
Schizophrenia Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Coping Schizophrenia Print An Overview of Schizophrenia By Ruth Jessen Hickman, MD facebook linkedin Ruth Jessen Hickman, MD, is a freelance medical and health writer and published book author. Learn about our editorial policy Ruth Jessen Hickman, MD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 18, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 04, 2020 Schizophrenia Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children In This Article Table of Contents Expand Symptoms Diagnosis Causes Treatment Coping In Children For Caregivers View All Schizophrenia is a type of mental illness that affects how the brain works. This leads to chronic problems with disordered thoughts and behaviors. It usually requires lifelong care and treatment. Researchers estimate that schizophrenia affects approximately 0.3 percent to 0.7 percent of people (between 3 in 1000 and 7 in 1000).?? Schizophrenia affects people from all racial backgrounds and ethnicities. Schizophrenia is slightly more common in men than in women. Verywell / Cindy Chung Symptoms Two of the major categories of schizophrenia symptoms are “positive†or “negative symptoms. These terms dont refer to whether the symptoms are good or bad as some people might think, but rather to the way symptoms present. Positive Symptoms Positive symptoms are active problems that shouldn’t be present (like hallucinations).?? They are positive in the sense that they represent an addition to someones typical day-to-day experience. Some of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia include: HallucinationsDelusionsDisorganized thinking and speech Hallucinations: During a hallucination, a person hears, sees, feels, or smells something that is not actually present. Most often this occurs in the form of hearing voices that others do not hear. These voices may be reassuring, threatening, or anything in between. Sometimes a person experiences these only as intrusive thoughts, but often they seem to come from outside the self. Delusions: Delusions are false beliefs held by a person that are not shared by other people. Someone with a delusion has a very fixed view of a situation and cannot be talked out of it with reason. For example, someone with schizophrenia might believe he is the subject of a government conspiracy, or that aliens are trying to monitor his activities. Disorganized Speech: People with disorganized speech may be difficult to understand because their sentences are unconnected or because the person is frequently switching topics in a way that doesn’t make sense to the listener. However, the speech may have meaning for the individual in a way that is connected to their internal experience. Negative Symptoms Characteristics that seem to be absent or diminished in someone with schizophrenia are called negative symptoms.?? Negative symptoms of schizophrenia can include: Decreased emotional expressionLack of initiation in goal-directed activities People may also have additional cognitive symptoms like difficulty concentrating, remembering, or planning activities. People with schizophrenia may also have poor self-care and poor interpersonal, school, or career functioning. The illness also makes it more challenging for the individual to join in social events, and participate in meaningful relationships. Fluctuation of Symptoms Symptoms may have periods of worsening, and periods of improvement. Periods of worsening symptoms are called flares or relapses.?? With treatment, most of these symptoms may diminish or go away (especially positive symptoms). Disease remission refers to periods of six months or longer in which a person experiences no symptoms or only mild symptoms. On the whole, negative symptoms tend to be harder to treat than positive ones. In the traditional biomedical model of schizophrenia, these symptoms are purely pathological. However, people in the hearing voices movement argue that hearing voices is sometimes a meaningful human experience and that it shouldnt be seen purely as a sign of illness. Age of Onset The early symptoms of schizophrenia often start to appear gradually and then become more severe and obvious to others. Typically, symptoms of schizophrenia first appear sometime between adolescence and a person’s mid-30s.?? However, sometimes symptoms appear earlier or later. In women, symptoms tend to begin at a later age than in men. Changes in the Brain Scientists are continuing to learn about how schizophrenia affects the brain, as the condition is associated with a number of alterations in how the brain functions. These brain changes reflect the specific symptoms of the disease. The following are some of the brain regions thought to have disordered functioning in schizophrenia: Medial temporal lobe (causing problems with working memory)Superior temporal lobe (causing problems processing auditory information)Prefrontal lobe (causing problems with decision-making and inhibition) Diagnosis There isn’t a simple blood test or brain scan that health providers can use to diagnose schizophrenia. To diagnose schizophrenia, a physician takes a thorough medical history and performs a medical exam. A clinician will need to rule out other psychiatric conditions that can cause hallucinations or delusions (such as Morgellons disease). People with schizoaffective disorder, for instance, have many of the same symptoms of schizophrenia, but they also have specific problems with their mood and emotions. Some other medical conditions that can cause some similar symptoms to schizophrenia include: Substance-related disordersDementiaEndocrine and inflammatory conditionsBrain tumorDelirium In some cases, an individual might need additional tests to rule out other conditions like these. How Mental Health Professionals Use the DSM Today Time Matters The time period of symptoms is also important in diagnosis. To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, a person must display at least a six-month period of symptoms. If you or a loved one have had symptoms for less than a month, the diagnosis may instead be what is called a brief psychotic disorder. Someone who has had symptoms for more than a month but less than six months might be diagnosed with something called schizophreniform disorder. Sometimes people with these conditions have persistent symptoms and are later officially diagnosed with schizophrenia. Subtypes You may have heard of various types of schizophrenia, such as paranoid schizophrenia or catatonic schizophrenia. Mental health providers used to diagnose people with these different subtypes based on their different symptoms. However, in 2013, psychiatrists decided to stop classifying people with schizophrenia in this way. They concluded that these categories didn’t really help them understand schizophrenia any better, and they didn’t help clinicians provide better care to patients. Causes The causes of schizophrenia are complex and not completely understood, though research does indicate certain risk factors. Genetics Genetics seem to play a role in those who have schizophrenia. You are more likely to have schizophrenia if you inherited variations of certain genes (portions of DNA) from your parents. People who have a relative with schizophrenia have a somewhat increased risk of also having schizophrenia or a related disorder, like schizoaffective disorder. Identical twins (who share identical DNA) are more likely to have schizophrenia than fraternal twins (who do not). This implies that genetics play a role in triggering schizophrenia, probably through several different genes. Other Risk Factors Schizophrenia can occur in people who have no history of it in their family. And just because you have schizophrenia in your family, doesn’t mean you will have it yourself. Various environmental factors have been linked to an increased risk of schizophrenia.?? Some of these include: Obstetric complications at your birthInfection of the central nervous system in early childhoodChildhood traumaSocial stressors, such as economic adversity However, many people with schizophrenia have none of these risk factors. Schizophrenia likely emerges as a complex result of a variety of genetic, environmental, social, and psychological factors that are not yet well understood. Treatment Ideally, treatment for schizophrenia combines a multidisciplinary approach from a collaborative team of health professionals. Early treatment can help improve the chances of a fuller recovery. Elements of treatment should include: Psychiatric medicationPsychological treatmentSocial support Many people with schizophrenia will need to initially be hospitalized for psychiatric treatment so that doctors can stabilize their condition. Medications Antipsychotic medications form a very important part of treatment for schizophrenia. These medications help reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia and help prevent relapse. First generation antipsychotic medications describe a class of drugs that were developed in the 1950s. These are also called typical antipsychotics. Some of these include: Haldol (haloperidol)Thorazine (chlorpromazine) This group of antipsychotics tend to have similar side effects like problems with movement (known as extrapyramidal symptoms), drowsiness, and dry mouth. Scientists later developed a newer group of antipsychotics, often called second-generation antipsychotics or atypical antipsychotics. Some of these antipsychotic drugs include the following: Abilify (aripiprazole)Clozaril (clozapine)Zyprexa (olazapine)Seroquel (quetiapine)INVEGA (paliperidone) These drugs don’t usually cause the movement problems of typical antipsychotic drugs. However, they are more likely to cause weight gain and other problems with metabolism, among other side effects. Therapy Increasingly, mental health providers are realizing the important role of psychological treatment in addressing schizophrenia. For example, various forms of psychotherapy can be very helpful. One form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients learn to identify and change their dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts.?? No matter the type of therapy one pursues, its best to be as honest as possible with your doctor or mental health professional. This way he/she can help you to the full extent in managing and coping with your symptoms. Schizophrenia Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF Family therapy can also help both patients and family members learn better how to cope with the condition. Many people with schizophrenia also need social skills training, which can help teach basic self-care and social skills. Find Support With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs Additional Support Support groups can also be helpful, both for people with the condition and for family members. People with schizophrenia may also need help finding work, housing, or certain other types of assistance. Goals of Treatment The goal of treatment is to help patients achieve remission. Some people have long periods of remission with a quite stable disease and minimal impairment.?? Other people have worsening symptoms and functioning and do not have a good response to available therapies. It is hard to know how a specific person will do after diagnosis. But the outlook for people with schizophrenia has improved over recent years, with better psychiatric medications and more comprehensive psychological and social support. Coping People diagnosed with schizophrenia can face a variety of challenges. Learning how to navigate these potential obstacles is an important part of living fully and keeping symptoms manageable. Emotional Coping Living with schizophrenia may feel overwhelming at times, especially as you learn of your new diagnosis and begin the treatment process. Emotional challenges are to be expected and it is important to allow yourself time to learn how to effectively regulate your emotions. Through counseling and peer support, you can learn ways to manage your emotional experiences in healthy ways. Social coping Social support from peers, family, and friends is important as you learn how to successfully navigate the journey of living with schizophrenia. There may be times when it is difficult to tell others about your condition, especially if you feel you may be judged by others. Learning about your condition, and being open about your experiences, can help others understand what you need, and how they might be able to help. Debunking myths Some people dont understand the condition of schizophrenia. You might find yourself explaining things about your condition to others. Some common misconceptions or myths about schizophrenia include things like:?? It means having multiple personalitiesThe diagnosis is very rareThe condition leads to violent behaviorIt always becomes worse over time The reality is that each persons experience with schizophrenia is unique. Although there are specific clinical criteria that need to be met in order to be diagnosed, each person can have different experiences with the types of symptoms they have, the degree to which symptoms progress over time or go into remission, and how they respond to treatment methods. In Children Although rare, the onset of schizophrenia can occur in children 13 years old or younger. It is estimated that childhood schizophrenia impacts about one percent of the American population.?? Being able to identify the condition in children can be quite difficult, as children can have a hard time understanding and describing their experiences to others. For this reason, asking your child questions about symptoms may not be very helpful. You may want to consult your childs doctor if you notice things like: Strange eating ritualsUnusual behaviorsBizarre ideasSocial isolationDrastic change in academic performance Since the onset of schizophrenia symptoms typically takes place in the late teens into the early thirties, keep in mind these symptoms are likely related to something other than schizophrenia. For Caregivers Caring for a loved one with schizophrenia can feel challenging. One of the most important things that can help is to educate yourself on the condition and the experiences that those with schizophrenia often face.?? Gathering information can help us learn what to expect along the way, what our loved one might need in the process and how we can best help. Support can be as important for caregivers as it is for the person living with the condition. Group support environments offer opportunities to connect with others who can relate to challenges and join you in celebrating victories. You may also find that people share helpful information about new or progressive treatment methods and other resources that can help your loved one. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Caregivers can feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and spend so much time caring for others that they neglect caring for themselves. Reaching out to a support group, a mental health provider or other resources can allow you space to share your experiences and process emotions. A Word From Verywell Schizophrenia is often a difficult illness to fully treat, but there is hope. Through multifaceted and consistent treatment, many individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia can recover from many disease symptoms. People with schizophrenia need support from their family and community members to have the best chance of living full and active lives. If you or your family member has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, know that it isn’t your fault. Also, know that there are many people to help affected individuals recover and regain control of their lives. What Are the Symptoms of Schizophrenia?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Nature And Nature Of Frederick Douglass - 1529 Words
Nature has always been with Frederick Douglass even on his journey throughout his life. Nature lived amongst the other slaves as well. When being a slave at a plantation or being owned period, you become familiar with nature; if it is picking cotton, â€Å"tobacco, corn, and wheat†(Douglass 22) or if it is learning how to steer ox’s or learning how to drive a boat. Nature is with everything we do; nature is everything anyway because we are nature. We are just part of the huge spectrum of nature. Frederick Douglass was put to the test since the day he was born; becoming a slave by birth. His life was the caste system, no mobility whatsoever. His life is a low as the ground between his toes when the plantation owners only gave them a certain amount of clothing and accessories. Nature was everything and the only thing he had, as if they were best friends. This paper will give you the insight on how nature was to Frederick Douglass and the other slaves. In the end, I can a rgue that nature has always been with Frederick Douglass and other slaves and will always be with them. Frederick Douglass became first involved with nature when his mother took the opportunity to sneak out into the night to have her only chance at seeing her son. When the sky was pitch black and no one could see or care any less. She took her only opportunity to walk a great distance to spend the night with her boy in her arms. She even took punishment when arriving late at sunrise for her boy. Nature allowedShow MoreRelatedThe Humiliating Nature of Enslavement, Sexual Savage Exploitation, and Degradation in Autobiographical Narratives of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs2068 Words  | 9 PagesThe humiliating nature of enslavement, sexual savage exploitation, and degradation in autobiographical narratives of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs In the age of Romanticism, slavery and the slave trade provoked sharp criticism and controversy and played a very significant role in shaping public opinion and causing moral opposition to injustice and tyranny. Since Columbus’s journey opened the doors of the Atlantic passage to African Slave Trade, slavery became man’s greatest inhumanityRead MoreFrederick Douglas And Henry David Thoreau950 Words  | 4 PagesFrederick Douglas and Henry David Thoreau The life and works of Henry David Thoreau and Frederick Douglass’ has had a lasting impact in the literary field since there work is studied now in most colleges. 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In Frederick Douglass’s 1845 The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, the self-agency Douglass utilizes to escape the bondage of slavery seems similar to the actualization that comes through trusting one’s own interior instincts Ralph Waldo Emerson urges readers to cultivate in his 1841 essay on â€Å"Self-Reliance†; and the similarities an d differences between key passages in both texts ultimately help characterize the nature of the link between the transcendentalistRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass Speech838 Words  | 4 PagesFrederick Douglass was a freed slave in the 1800’s who was famous for his ability to read and write, uncommon of a black man at the time. On July 4th, 1852, he gave a speech to citizens of the United States. In this speech, he called out the â€Å"hypocrisy of the nation†(Douglass), questioning the nations treatment of slaves on a supposed day of independence. Frederick Douglass effectively uses rhetorical strategies to construct his argument and expose the hypocrisy of the nation. One of the rhetoricalRead More Emersons Self Reliance vs. Douglass Narrative of the Life1306 Words  | 6 PagesNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave,†by Frederick Douglass, one might notice a trend in what both writers regard as the key to happiness or self-fulfillment. Emerson and Douglass both imply that acquiring knowledge is what people should strive for throughout their lives. However, their perceptions on the kind of knowledge should be attained is where their ideas diverge; Emerson is the one that encourages one to develop the soul whereas with Douglass, it is the mind.      OneRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay858 Words  | 4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Boxill, Bernard. Frederick Douglass’s Patriotism. Journal of Ethics 13.4 (2009): 301-317. EBSCO. Web. 19 Oct 2015. Bernard argues that Frederick Douglass always was a patriot even throughout slavery. He states that most Americans are patriots even if they do not agree with the politics, but rather just a love for their country. It talks about Americans who give selfless amounts of time toward the improvement of America. Buccola, Nicholas. Each for All and All for Each:Read MoreFrederick Douglass Essay841 Words  | 4 PagesFrederick Douglass once said, â€Å"If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning†(Think Exist). Frederick Douglass, a man born into slavery overcame numerous obstacles to eventually become a chief abolitionist as well as a diplomat. 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This story the â€Å"Narrative of theRead MoreEducation as a Reflection of Social Values in Langston Hughes One Friday Morning and Frederick Douglass Learning to Read and Write1632 Words  | 7 PagesThe Worst The conception of education as a reflection of social values is one of the predominant themes in both Langston Hughes short story, One Friday Morning, as well as Frederick Douglass Learning to Read and Write, the latter of which is actually the seventh chapter of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. A plethora of similarities exist between these works, both of which include the education of an African American protagonist, the aid of Irish benefactors,Read MoreThe Treatment And Conditioning Of Slaves During The Antebellum South1521 Words  | 7 PagesBrandon Rodriguez Dr. Roark Atkinson Intro to US History I 13 November 2014 Paper Assignment II: An Essay on Frederick Douglass The treatment and conditioning of slaves in the antebellum south was one of the most inhumane and merciless accounts in human history. Slaves were auctioned, sold and bought as if they were nothing more than livestock. They were fed with monthly rationsâ€â€eight pounds of pork or fish. They were given one pair of shoes, two shirts, two trousers, and one jacket intended to
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How to Register for the ACT
Registering for the ACT isnt difficult, but you do want to make sure you plan ahead and have the information youll need at hand. Before you begin registering, make sure you know the registration deadlines for the exam you plan to take. They tend to be about five weeks before the actual exam. It will also be useful to have a copy of your high school transcript when you register so that you have the school information youll need for the form. Step 1: Visit the ACT Website and Create an Account Go to the ACT student website. Once youre there, click the Sign In button at the upper right of the page, then click on the create account option. Next, set up an online account so you can do things like check your scores online, print your admission ticket to get into the testing center, make changes to your registration if you have to miss a test day, request more score reports, and more. Youll need two pieces of information before you create your account: your social security number and your high school code. The website will walk you through the steps of the process. Note: Be sure to fill in your name just as it appears on your passport, drivers license, or another approved ID that youll be bringing to the testing center. If the name with which you register does not match your ID, you will not be able to take the test on your scheduled test day. Step 2: Register Once youve created your student account, you need to click the Register button and proceed through the next several pages. Youll answer questions about the following: Personal information like left-hand vs. right-hand (so you get placed in an appropriate testing desk), religious affiliations, parental educational background, and disabilities. Remember, this is all voluntary information.A high school summary like the type of school you attended and courses youve taken. Youll also see questions about extracurricular involvement in high school. Your college plans such as preferences regarding school size, whether or not you plan to enroll full time or not, and college interests.Your specific testing date and location. Where youd like your score reports to be sent. You can choose up to four colleges with the basic fee, so youll save money if youve decided where youd like them to go before you register. Intended future college major and career choices. Youll also be asked during this process to upload a current headshot. Make sure to follow the parameters exactly, or you could be banned from taking the ACT on test day. Both the photograph a nd the name on your identification are important pieces of information that ACT uses to make it difficult for anyone to cheat by having someone else take the exam for them. If youre wondering why ACT wants some of this information when it has nothing to do with the actual test, realize that college admissions is a big business of trying to get students matched up with schools where they will succeed. ACT (and SAT) provide names to colleges of students who might be an appropriate match for those schools. The more information they have about your grades, courses, and interests, the better than can align your credentials with potential colleges. This is why after you take a standardized test, youre likely to start receiving lots of mail from colleges. Step 3: Pay Check out the current ACT fees before you test, and fill in your waiver or voucher number if youve received one. At the bottom of the page, click Submit just once, and youre done. Youre then free to print your admission ticket. A confirmation will be sent to your email address. Step 4: Prepare Youre in. Now, all you need to do is prep for the ACT just a little bit. Start by going though the ACT basics, and then running through these 21 ACT test strategies to help you perform as well as possible when test day rolls around. Then, try your hand at an ACT English quiz or Math quiz to see how you might respond to the real ACT questions. Finally, pick up an ACT prep book or two to help see you through the end. Good luck! Updated and edited by Allen Grove
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
House of Payne Free Essays
SM Family Television Review The comedy show that my family and I enjoy watching is House of Payne, which airs on TBS every Friday at 8pm. â€Å"The Paynes are three generations living under one roof. The story begins when CJ and his family move into the house of his aunt and uncle, a fact that no one is really happy about. We will write a custom essay sample on House of Payne or any similar topic only for you Order Now CJ has two children, and his aunt and uncle have very different ideas about raising kids. I think a lot of people will be able to relate to the Paynes†. (http://www. tbs. com/stories/story/0,, 107846,00. html). The show is based off real life issues that everyday families experience such as, drug addiction, teen pregnancy, sex, marriage, morals and values, and most of all trust. As, a 23 year old, mother, student, wife, daughter etc, I was able to quickly relate to a few things in the show. This family did impact my life on what family really was because, I always have been the one to just think of my immediate (Mom, Dad, Brothers, Grandma) when I heard the word family. Now, that things have been introduced to me from different perspective, I am now able to fully understand what family is all about. I realize that when I have no one else to count on, that my family is the last hope I have, and also understand that sometimes I may have disagreements with relatives, but its ok because as long as there is communication, nothing is to hard to overcome, All of these things are key points that House of Payne focus on. After watching this show consistently, it has had a very positive impact on me, my family, my marriage and my ability to raise my children at such a young age. Although, these actors, and actresses are acting, they are real people and majority are related, such as the main characters, Cassi and Lavan Davis, who are husband and wife in real life. I enjoy watch the way the reveal each message because they all have a valuable lesson that I learn. This television series is a Christian based show, so I think that is the reason I enjoy watching it so much. It is interesting because some days, I may feel at my worst and watching this show can easily be a inspiration to me. Expressing my feelings and saying how I felt have, also been another issue I’ve had problems with, and it also have taught me this as well. I believe that even a non-believer would enjoy watching this show because again, it’s real people, and they to know what it’s like to face certain situations. I feel that I can somewhat relate to this show because again, I am a young mother, married with children, living day by day , focusing on doing the right thing, despite what I see and hear around me. And sometimes, whether you’re old or young, this can be a challenge. House of Payne have messages for all ages, and they are very powerful messages! How to cite House of Payne, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Training With Academic Learning Center †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Training With Academic Learning Center? Answer: Introducation Due to extensive consumer feedback, we at Sigma Global would like to demonstrate our commitment to our valuable clients to understanding the service we offered like marketing, promotions of university courses. As the clients are more and more interested in university courses regarding the academic institutions, we are delighted to provide our top-notch services to them. It is requested to all of our agents that some problems are arising while delivering the information to the clients end. To heighten the quality of our services to the customers, we expect our agents to meet some requirements. These include furnishing detailed information on our marketing and promotion courses, legal advice to the students on their academic courses, help them find suitable accommodation and transportation, child care services to the prospective customers and retaining the new ones, and so on (Costa, 2015). It is a burning matter that we have a large number of clients and agents in more than 150 nations around the globe, however, regarding providing superior quality services we are not fulfilling the expectations as well as demands and needs (Rao, 2007). Although, it is our catastrophe based upon an extensive client survey that we are unable to implement the right data at the right time at the right place. Therefore, such recommendations are needed to overlook concerning resolving the same. Some of the policies need to change and need to approve for any marketing material for local advertising and commercialization. It is stated to all of our agents to look after the business ethics we followed since for the long time to maintain the relationship between doing the right things for the students of course and making an impressive prospect. Regarding promoting honesty, responsibility, and fairness, we need focus on ethical marketing to know which are right things to do and what not. Our clients are always looking something better and refine services in promotion, marketing, child care services, so it is our prime responsibility to deliver quality services; however there are no hard and fast rules in ethical marketing, but a general set of guidelines you need to maintain to evaluate new marketing strategies (Murphy, 2016). We need to gain competitive advantages than the other service providers. Being a successful company, we need to develop a sense of trust among the clients that can reflect positively on our business. It can make the customers feel like our work is invested in the quality of the se rvices and the value we provide end users. So ethical marketing needs to be highlighted so that clients can make moral choices on the services which we are providing to upgrade our public reputation (Eagle, 2015). Also, Sigma Global agents need to ensure that they are well informed about each institution and the courses they deliver effectively. It is requested to all of our agents to properly maintain the services in an equal and fair manner so that each institution can rely on us for the long run. As you know very well, we provide accommodation and transportations to the students, so it is our one of the prime concerns to meet individual student conditions and the promises as well. Students are always looking forward to their study and the related services they got from us. We already gave promises to them about the services we offered. So look after all the issues regarding the expectations and the accommodations (Rowely, 2015). On the other hand, you people also need to concern about conducting transportation related services and advice including their benefits, concession, allowance, estimated costs and other privileges they can get from our end. In all academic institutions, the courses are more or less same. To provide our bests, we need to more focus on the childcare services to the students. Such matters are imperative regarding providing childcare costs, associated services i.e. duration of services, opening hours, university breaks and all (Wallace, 2013). We should not have to choose between excellence and affordability; however, we need to provide those by adopting a streamlined system to satisfy and encourage them overpoweringly. It is highly recommended to follow all the recommendations to assist the students in becoming independent and confident learners (Walker, 2014). We need to cover all the four areas of Academic Learning Center (ALC) for the betterment of the students- ALC Science that provides assistance and advice on science assignment, ALC Mathematics and Statistics that enables them to boost their individual domains for a range of courses, ALC Computing that facilitates a range of resources in technologica l platforms and lastly ALC Academic Communication offers a variety of academic assistance in academic assignment writing, referencing, written and verbal communication, paraphrasing, and note taking (Gilton, 2016).; References Gilton, D (2016) Creating and Promoting nursing Lifelong Learning in Public Libraries. Rowman and Littlefield. Copyright Wallace, M (2013) Teaching in Transnational Higher Education. Routledge. Copyright Walker, T (2014) English for Academic Purpose (EAP) in Asia. Springer, copyright Costa, P (2015) Ethics in Applied Linguistic Research. Routledge. Copyright Murphy, P (2016) Ethics in Management: International Cases and Perspectives. Routledge. Copyright Eagle, L (2015) Marketing Ethics and Society. SAGE. Copyright Rowely, C (2015) Ethical and Social Marketing. Chandos Publishing Rao, V (2007) A Visual Guide to Essay Writing. Valli Rao. Copyright
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